Value-creating Teams

Do your Teams Create Value
for your Business?

We partner with team leaders and teams building future-ready, high-performing teams that co-create value with, and for, stakeholders now and in the future.

We’ll help your team build their collective leadership ability, enhance their performance and expand their influence on their working environment.

Want to transform your team and reach your goals? Let’s talk.
Contact Kathleen: 306-717-4471 or

By Overcoming Common Team Challenges You can
Increase your Team’s Effectiveness

Is your team . . .

  • confused about what they have been directed to do or create
  • not sure who is really needed as a committed team member
  • not sharing responsibility to contribute
    • resources, ideas, concerns, etc.
    • during meetings and work projects
  • disconnected from customers, suppliers, sales, etc.
  • suffering through long, unproductive meetings
  • producing sub-standard work
    • missing deadlines
    • low quality or quantity
  • in conflict
    • between team members or with other parts of your business
    • about how to get the work done
  • not supporting one another to experiment, reflect and learn

Each of these team challenges can negatively impact your business results.
Ignoring the first sign of a team in trouble can open the door to deeper struggles that are more difficult to resolve.

Growing Great Teams Contributes to Better Business Outcomes

Business Benefits of Growing Great Teams :

  • turning customers into advocates
  • increasing revenue and profit
  • effectively engaging stakeholders in enabling value chain
  • increasing retention of key employees
  • developing business intelligence and innovation
  • growing transferable leadership and leader abilities

We can Help You Improve your Team’s Value-creating Performance

We partner with team leaders and teams to create successful change projects and business improvements with fewer headaches and hassles.

We work with you to identify and grow the competencies, connections and commitments necessary to nurture great teams.

We equip and enable leaders who are transitioning to a new leadership role to effectively engage the people and resources needed to be successful.

If you are ready to explore growing your team or growing your leadership abilities, give us a call.


Human Synergistics
Integrated Diagnostic System & Simulations